Person Centered Planning
At AB&B Services we offer Person Centered Planning to assist and support individuals to become empowered by their abilities.
Person Centered Planning is a term used to describe a variety of tools and assessments that focuses on the strengths, desires, and needs of the person.
Prior to the planning meeting, the person is given the opportunity to identify who they would like to invite. This team then supports the individual by discussing and exploring their shills, abilities, and the plan to put their dreams into action.
As Person Centered Planners, we work with the individual and their team to create meaningful and personalized plans that focus on what is important to and for the person.
This type of planning allows the individual to identify their dreams, goals, and hopes for the future while creating a map or plan with actionable steps towards their desired outcomes.
To learn more about Person Centered Planning:
Call: 651-955-7748 or Email: